
The Finance Department accurately directs and manages the financial and business affairs of the district, including accounting, payroll, operations, and bond funds, to provide the best possible educational services with the financial resources available.

Financial Transparency

RRPS is committed to providing a clear view of how tax dollars are spent and how we operate.
New Mexico Sunshine Portal

Budget 2023-24

Mission Statement

The Finance Department of the Rio Rancho Public School District will provide to the Board of Education, community and staff, meaningful, concise and accurate information in the most efficient manner possible to allow for effective and sound decision-making practices used in allocation of the District’s fiscal resources to meet the District’s overall mission and goals.

Funding Sources

Where do our funds come from and how may they be used? This chart provides an overview of funding sources.

Purchasing & Procurement

Requests for Bids or Proposals
Looking for a Bid, Proposal or an Award?
Click here to view procurement information and latest bids.