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Online Accessibility

The Rio Rancho Public School's website and online content is created to be accessible for all users. We purposely chose a website company that also embraces these standards and designed our site with defaults that require the use of alt text and tool tips so users viewing our content on screen readers will interact with useful information as they browse. Other helpful features include a prominently placed text resizing button, the use of standardized easy to read font and appropriate contrasting colors. These are just a few of the ways RRPS strives to accommodate users of all abilities.

There are a total of twenty websites across our district, each maintained by administrators at each site with both teachers and staff contributing content to each site. As you can imagine our content is both dynamic and changing on an almost daily basis. In order to maintain accessibility consistency we offer on-going training to all content editors. We highlight the priority of creating inclusive content whether it is a video with captions or Word and PDF documents that contains easily found headers and titles. We also provide links to helpful resources (as seen to the left of this page) to assist our staff as they develop user friendly materials.